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The Sweet Alchemy of Ancestral Healing: A Unique Day Retreat for Women

in Edinburgh, Scotland

November 2, 2024

10 am - 5 pm

$200 USD includes a vegan lunch

(approximately £150 depending on exchange rate)

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Join us for The Sweet Alchemy of Ancestral Healing, a transformative women's day retreat in the heart of Edinburgh. Guided by two experienced facilitators, this retreat offers a safe and nurturing environment for deep, meaningful exploration and healing.

What to Expect


Experience a gentle, yet profound, transformation as you uncover and release ancestral wounds that may be holding you back. We will expertly guide you through processes designed to bring about healing and self-discovery.

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Expand Your Sense of Self

Through guided meditations, reflective and experiential exercises, and supportive discussions, you will gain a more expansive sense of self. Learn to see your future divine potentials and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.


Release Ancestral Wounds

Identify and release the deep-seated wounds passed down through generations. By addressing these inherited traumas, you free yourself to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Overcome Unconscious Blocks

Discover and dismantle the unconscious blocks and barriers that limit your growth. Gain clarity and insight into patterns that no longer serve you, and learn how to create new, empowering narratives.

Embrace Your Ancestral Gifts

Your lineage holds unique gifts and wisdom. This retreat will help you recognize and embrace these gifts, allowing you to integrate them into your daily life and enhance your sense of purpose and identity.

Connect Deeply with Self and Others

Build a profound connection to yourself and fellow participants. Through shared experiences and group activities, you'll foster a sense of community and support, enriching your journey of self-discovery.

Why Attend?

Expert Guidance:  Benefit from the wisdom and expertise of our two experienced facilitators, who will support you every step of the way.

This is a rare opportunity to participate in a retreat facilitated by Lisa Angelini, an American licensed holistic psychotherapist and life coach with two decades of experience, which she expertly weaves into her energy practice and spiritual teaching.

Co-facilitator, Sarah Houldsworth has many years of experience. As a Wild Woman Project circle leader, storyteller and scientist she expertly blends the two guiding with grounded spirituality.

Together we will guide you through our unique experiential processes, backed by evidence-based practice and instruction from global experts in our respective fields. We will create an intimate and supportive environment where we will hold space for you to create meaningful change.

Our retreat integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual healing practices for a well-rounded and comprehensive experience. We provide a safe and inclusive environment where you can explore your deepest truths without judgment.

Join Us

If you are ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery, The Sweet Alchemy of Ancestral Healing is the retreat for you. Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, heal generational wounds, and step into your future with clarity and confidence.

Date: November 2nd, 2024 - 10am to 5 pm 
Cost: $200 USD includes a vegan lunch

(approximately £150 depending on exchange rate)

Location:  The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre

25 Palmerston Pl, Edinburgh EH12 5AP, Scotland, UK



Lisa Angelini, MAPC, LPC,ACCHT

Sarah Houldsworth, PHD


What to bring: yoga mat or cushion, blanket and your journal

For more information and to register, Visit Here


or contact us at


We look forward to welcoming you to this transformative experience.


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Marli R.




Coming here I had no idea what to expect and I really had moments of wanting to cancel. Once I got here it took me a moment to relax, but once I did the experience was an incredible journey. It left me loving women, feeling peace, feeling loved, feeling joy. There is something so profound about this experience and I very much hope to join Sarah and Lisa in July of 2019.  ~ Teresa, D, Yamhill,  Oregon

"Lisa's Awakened Feminine Retreat in Scotland was the best gift I have ever given to my spiritual self. This was the first time I had ever traveled solo, no friends or family. Upon arriving in Scotland, I met other incredible women there who were ready to go on the same adventure as me. The retreat gave me an opportunity to travel and meet new people, all while discovering I am a strong independent woman who is capable of breaking free of insecurities. Not only did the retreat teach me about self-worth and self-healing, it also taught me how amazing and breathtaking Scotland really is. When you breathe that morning Scottish air and you meet their wonderful people, I guarantee you will come to adore and appreciate such gorgeous country.  I highly recommend this retreat to any woman who is ready to go on an adventure and learn about themselves more in depth. Your spiritual-self will thank you!" ~ Cynthia A. 

This retreat was inspiring and has opened my heart. I would strongly encourage coming to Scotland and making life changing experiences with Lisa and Sarah. I feel I am leaving this place a happier and stronger woman.  ~ Misty K., Scottsdale, AZ


As a professional woman and mother, I realized I was having to live a masculine role at work and a feminine role at home. Always feeling torn about my roles, who I was , and who I should be. The Awakened Feminine Retreat helped me bring all these different roles together. through connection with nature, spirit and bonding with women,  was able to heal at deep levels. I left the retreat with peace, confidence and a connection to myself and others that I feel I could not have gotten any place else. This is a retreat for all women searching to connect and heal their inner self. ~ Jennifer R., Scottsdale, AZ

During the retreat I could feel my stress melting. Being away from routines helped to keep me immersed in the work. I felt very free to BE… just be. I felt very comfortable to be open and vulnerable. My heart and feelings were always protected. I felt safe to investigate my inner self. I found a peace of mind I was able to bring home with me and keep in my daily life. I seem to approach issues with a more calm state of mind and more personal balance.  ~ Jessica B.

The Awakened Feminine Retreat was a wonderful experience for bonding with other women and re-connecting with the strength that is uniquely feminine. The retreat offered a combination of exercises to explore personal experiences of life and growing up as a woman in our society, as well as opportunities for seeing the historical and mystical sites of Scotland. I personally tapped into areas that were previously unexplored and examined my role as a woman in my family and in society from a different angle. While I had an awareness that there was something below the surface that needed deeper exploration, the retreat enhanced that awareness and has led me to seek new methods to delve deeper. The combination of feminine spiritual work in ethereal surroundings provided an atmosphere that allowed both sensitive and peaceful awakening. ~ Marli R.


Teresa D.

Cynthia A.

Jessica B.



Lisa Angelini, MAPC, LPC, ACHT

Lisa Angelini has a passion for empowering women to release the inauthentic patterns that keep them from realizing their true self-worth, gifts, talents, joy, and life-purpose. Through her own spiritual journey, she learned the value of utilizing her inherent feminine energy, both gentle and strong, to break through behavioral barriers and connect with the divine essence within. She feels an undeniable calling to assist other women in clearly recognizing and accessing their own energy and wisdom for a deep healing experience that can be used again and again.

With a unique combination of directness and sensitivity, compassion and humor, Lisa weaves her formal training as a Psychotherapist with her knowledge of Shamanic universal wisdom, creating a profound experiential process to unlock the power of the subconscious mind for healing and change. Lisa has the ability to help you re-connect to your divine self, releasing blocks that no longer serve you and replacing them with effective strategies to tap into your spirit and move forward confidently along life’s path.

In addition to offering national and international retreats, Lisa is a trained facilitator of Wild Women Project Moon Circles and offers these experiences to cultivate sisterhood and community both locally and globally.


For two decades Lisa has been assisting others to claim their best life as a life coach, holistic psychotherapist, energy practitioner and spiritual teacher. She has worked at some of the leading mental health facilities in the world and has served celebrity clientele as well as the homeless. She has been trained by leaders in the field of psychology, coaching and spirituality.

Lisa offers on-site intensives, individual or group counseling and coaching sessions at her Scottsdale, Arizona office, and web-based or phone consultation.

Sarah Houldsworth


Sarah is a PhD qualified professional Earth scientist with a deep love and understanding of the natural world. She is never happier than when outside in the natural world whether it's on family nature walks, personal forest mediation walks, foraging, or collecting materials for wild crafting projects. Her outward journey of exploration in the natural world has been mirrored by a personal inner journey of understanding and self-acceptance which started over twenty years ago with taking self-development courses, volunteering for similar courses in support and organisational roles and through intensive integrative process therapy. These experiences developed her personal practises in guided visualisation, meditation and other techniques for authentic self-connection.


 Sarah believes that regular time in the held intentional spaces of circles is the perfect counterbalance for her experience of a busy doing, masculine dominated world. She is a graduated moon circle leader with the Wild Woman Project and holds monthly women's circles in her home community of Edinburgh. Sarah also an amateur oral story-teller (trained with the Scottish Story Telling Centre) and studies Celtic mythology, Wise Woman archetypes and Eco-feminism with folklorists and women's psychologists.


 Geologist, storyteller, nature lover, open minded but rooted in rock, Sarah brings her own special blend of story-telling, knowledge of mythical archetypes, folklore, the natural world, nature connection and Earth science to this retreat and is excited to be sharing some her passions with you.

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